The Building Blocks of #SeasonsOfKidlit
This month, we'll be highlighting the Donors from Our Rate Your Story *Build-A-Story* Contest (August 1 - 31st). Each will share a little...

The Building Blocks Of Erin Dealey
This month, we'll be highlighting the Donors from Our Rate Your Story *Build-A-Story* Contest (August 1 - 31st). Each will share a little...

Announcing MOWMT Winners and Post List - Part 4
2023 MARCH ON WITH MENTOR TEXTS PRIZE WINNERS: Below you will find a list of Prize Winners (and bonus prizes!) for posts 24 - 32, as well...

Announcing MOWMT Winners and Post List Part 3
2023 MARCH ON WITH MENTOR TEXTS PRIZE WINNERS: Below you will find a list of Prize Winners (and bonus prizes!) for posts 16-23, as well...

Announcing MOWMT Winners and Post List - Part 2
2023 MARCH ON WITH MENTOR TEXTS PRIZE WINNERS: Below you will find a list of Prize Winners (and bonus prizes!) for posts 8 - 15, as well...

Announcing MOWMT Winners and Post List - Part 1
MARCH ON WITH MENTOR TEXTS - Winners AND Post/Reading List 2023 MARCH ON WITH MENTOR TEXTS PRIZE WINNERS: Below you will find a list of...

It's Not Too Late to Join Our Halloween Party
When Children's Author Heather Macht decided to share her love of celebrations with parents, book fanatics, authors, writers, teachers...