Meet our RYS Guests Ghouls (Gurus) for October!
This month, we have a special Halloween treat that's “Twice as Nice” – TWO Guest Gurus to rate and give feedback TWOGETHER on four (4)...

The Building Blocks of #SeasonsOfKidlit
This month, we'll be highlighting the Donors from Our Rate Your Story *Build-A-Story* Contest (August 1 - 31st). Each will share a little...

MOWMT Day #30: Heather Macht Forges Another Chapter
During last year’s MOWMT, I was thrilled to announce a new book deal - my first early reader 6-book chapter book series! The Woodlot...

It's Not Too Late to Join Our Halloween Party
When Children's Author Heather Macht decided to share her love of celebrations with parents, book fanatics, authors, writers, teachers...

MO Day #26 Heather Macht Goes from PBs to CBs
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