Be sweet to your writing buddies and give the gift of Professional Feedback from multi-published picture book authors!
Now, you can purchase Speedpasses for the writers in your critique group
without a Membership, and at a Discounted Price.
For $80, you can get a four-pack of Speedpasses (Rating and Feedback).
That's a $20 savings! (Or purchase two of these if you need 8)!
For $100, you can get a five-pack of Speedpasses (Rating and Feedback).
That's a $25 savings! (Or purchase two of these if you need 10)!
A limit of one Speedpass may be designated to the Gift Giver to accommodate for cases in which there is an extra pass.
February 1st - March 31st
Winter Holiday Gifts must be used in by March and will expire March 31st. Critiques are one per Critique Group Member and cannot be combined.
At all other times, these passes must be submitted within a month of purchase.
Instructions for the Purchaser:
After your purchase, please send a numbered list of Gift Recipients to Rate Your Story
When the recipients submit, they should use the following format:
SUB: RYS Gift Speedpass from ___________, [#_]
Manuscripts can be sent as a word attachment. Please send the entire picture book manuscript
which should be no longer than 1,000 words.
Your Gift Recipient will receive Feedback within seven (7) days of submission.
Happy Holidays to All and to All a Good Write!