Announcing MOWMT Winners and Post List - Part 1

MARCH ON WITH MENTOR TEXTS - Winners AND Post/Reading List

Below you will find a list of Prize Winners (and bonus prizes!) for posts 1-7, as well as the links to the original post AND the book list for those who missed these fabulous blog posts or want to refer to them again.
Thank you for participating – it was such a fun event and we can’t wait until next year! We already have the graphics ready and are filling our guest list!
Winners please e-mail with the following in the subject line…
[WINNER] MOWMT Day #1 Lydia Lukidis (Non-Fiction PB or 30 Min AMA Session)
Please make sure to put your name and email address in the body of the e-mail. I will forward the e-mail to your prize donor.
NOTE: Speedpass Prizes can. be claimed by sending your manuscript (no payment required unless you want a rush and/or upgrade) to:
More info here:
Prizes must be claimed by June 30, 2023.
P.S. Sending along profuse apologies for the delay in posting winners. April whizzed by and I was away most of May with limited Internet access.

Prize: Lydia is happy to give away a PB nonfiction critique <1000 words or a 30 minute ask me anything session.
Winner: Debbie Moeller
Mega-Predators of the Past (written by Melissa Stewart and illustrated by Howard Gray, Peachtree, 2022)
A River’s Gifts: The Mighty Elwha River Reborn (written by Patricia Newman and illustrated by Natasha Donovan, Millbrook Press, 2022)
One Plastic Bag: Isatou Ceesay and the Recycling Women of the Gambia (written by Miranda Paul and illustrated by Elizabeth Zunon, Millbrook Press, 2015)
Beautiful Shades of Brown, the Art of Laura Wheeler Waring (written by Nancy Churnin and illustrated by Felicia Marshall, Creston Books, 2020)
Deep, Deep, Down: The Secret Underwater Poetry of the Mariana Trench (written by Lydia Lukidis and illustrated by Juan Calle, Capstone Editions, a Capstone imprint, 2023)

Prize: 30-minute Zoom Critique/Consultation
Winner: Karen Gebbia
The Elephants Come Home: The True Story of Seven Elephants, Two People, and One Extraordinary Friendship by Kim Tomsic/ Illustrated by Hadley Hooper
Listen: How Evelyn Glennie, a Deaf Girl, Changed Percussion by Shannon Stocker/Illustrated by Devon Holzwarth
Eyes that Speak to the Stars by Joanna Ho/Illustrated by Dung Ho

Michele is graciously giving away five (5) above the slush submissions!
1. Jean Cherney
2. Jennifer Buchett
3. Stacey Gustafsson
4. Angie Cantrell
5. Lisa Horn

Prize: A critique from S. K. Wenger for one PB manuscript in any format up to 800 words.
Winner: Anne King

Prize: Ana is giving away a signed copy of one of her books, or a picture book critique.
Winner: Michelle Steinberg
The End of Something Wonderful: A Practical Guide to a Backyard Funeral by Stephanie V. W. Lucianovic with Art by George Ermos

Prize: A signed copy of MY GRANDPA, MY TREE, AND ME along with some garden-themed book swag.
Winner: Suzy Leopold

Prize: Winners choice of: (1) an educational resource to help promote the launch of a newly published or soon to be published PB, (2) a new author logo design, or (3) a PB critique (Non-rhyming, less than 1,000 words)
Winner: Mariana Rios
BONUS PRIZE: Speedpasses from Rate Your Story
Winner: Michele Sollenberger Rietz
NOTE: Feel free to share your Winner's Badge and thank you to our Prize Donors on Social Media with @RateYourStory #MarchOnWithMentorTexts #MOWMT #Winner #RateYourStory #KidLit #WritingCommunity
Also feel free to click on the links to buy / gift / review these books. As an affiliate, we will get a small percentage of sales, which goes to fund books for our FREE Mentor Text Talks. You can join our group here for more information:
