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Congratulations! Take the Pledge!

Congratulations to all who participated in March On with Mentor Texts, no matter how much or how little! There was something to take away from each and every post and I hope you all found it as inspiring as I did. I sincerely want to thank the fabulous Rate Your Story Authors (and our Friends) for their generous contributions of time and thoughts.

But don't be too sad -- I have great news! A weekly version of March On With Mentor Texts will continue with MENTOR TEXT MONDAYS! So stay tuned with our first Mentor Text Monday post arriving on Monday, April 4th, 2022!

If you are a true winner (registered on the registration post, signed up for our blog, and commented on each and every post), then leave your pledge that you have done all this (you can just say PLEDGE, meaning "I pledge that I have participated in accordance with the challenge," and also share which one or two or three posts were your favorites by topic. Those who pledge and have completed the challenge will be eligible for our fabulous prizes.

Pledges are being taken until April 7th 12:00 AM PST and thereafter, prizes will be drawn.

Prizes will be posted on or about April 15th and you will have until May 15th to claim them. To claim: Send an e-mail with any pertinent information for your prize donor to:

Please note that I may be out of the country from May 22 - June 10th, so there may be some delays connection with correspondence and/or my prizes redemptions.

WINNERS: Feel fee to grab this badge and post on your website or social media (with a link to for more information:

And if you were one of our fabulous * Authors Helping Writers * feel free to take this badge:

Once again, I want to thank everyone for their participating, whether as an Author, Participant or Winner! Winners don't forget to make your pledge in the comments below. Also, mark your calendars for March 2023 and our Second Annual Rate Your Story March On with Mentor Texts!

Authors if you are interested, we are already starting our list and waiting list, so please get in touch if you are interested. We also have other ways to promote HERE.

MORE EXCITING NEWS: Now, there's a quick and easy way to enter a Contest AND get some Rate Your Story Contest Feedback too!

In addition to the prizes mentioned (and more forthcoming), Winners and Honorable Mentions (along with ALL Rate Your Story 2022 Members) will have an exclusive invitation to our Rate Your Story Ask An Author/Editor Session with Alison Weiss of Pixel and Ink / Holiday House on May 18th at 6:30 PM EST!

Don't miss this opportunity for wonderful prizes and a chance to get some fabulous feedback from our Rate Your Story Judges (


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