Introducing, Jennifer Buchet
What brought you to children’s books? How long have you been writing?
The first thing I ever wrote was my very own newspaper back in elementary school. Which isn’t surprising since I love talking to people and researching cool facts. Later on, I worked in the advertising industry, crafting everything from award-winning campaigns to local television and radio ads. When my daughter came along, it seemed only natural to dive into the world and words of kidlit.
Please tell us about the first book you published.
My debut picture book, Little Medusa’s Hair Do-Lemma (Clear Fork, 2021) centers around family tradition and being true to oneself. Plus, it introduces littles to the world of classic Greek mythology. Little Medusa faces pythonic problems when she discovers that she doesn’t enjoy wearing Addie in her locks despite Gorgon traditions!
What has been the best part of your writing journey? The worst part of your writing journey?
The best part is the act of writing and creating new worlds! I love to write, so using my talent makes my heart sing.The worst part has got to be the l-o-o-n-g process it takes from story idea to publication! That marathon is not for the faint of heart.
To what do you attribute your success?
Firstly, it depends how one defines success. Is it the number of books one publishes? The hours of writing or researching? The number of organizations one belongs to or classes taken? I’ve been graced with a talent for writing and I know that talent needs nurturing & constant exercising. I’ve a deep desire to spread more joy into the world via my stories.
What genres of books will you be open to rating for Rate Your Story?
Picture Books & Board Books, including
o Non-Fiction topics
o STEAM-centered
o Lyrical/Fantasy
o Humorous
o Faith-focused
List five things you look for in a successful story.
1. A Compelling Title that will make me read the jacket flap or back of book blurb.
2. A Solid, Believable Ending &/or Resolution to the challenges
3. Using Page Turns to the story’s advantage, whether it’s to slow down or amplify a moment
4. Layers that work and haven’t been added simply for the sake of layering
5. Read-aloud Readability (since adults are reading most of these stories, will they want to read them over and over again, & why?)
Name five subjects you love to read about.
· Mysteries
· Mythical creatures & Folklore
· Celebrations/Traditions from around the world (not necessarily in a non-fiction style)
· Neuro-diverse characters solving challenges their way
· Sibling Rivalry
Name five subjects you don’t want to read about.
· Biographies of male scientists (no offense, but let’s shine the light on more women!)
· Sports non-fiction
· Concepts (ABCs, 123, Shapes unless written in a fabulously new way)
· Super heroes from TV/Movies
· Poop
What do you feel is an important preliminary step before actually writing a story?
If you are serious about the craft of writing for children, then study the craft of writing for children! Take a class or two, join a writer’s group and read in the genre that you’re writing in.
Please share a writing Tip for our Members.
A refusal of representation is not a refusal of you! Your manuscript is like a bathing suit or pair of jeans that you want the agent/editor to try on, and of course, buy! One size cannot fit all and your manuscript may simply not fit their list or style, no matter how darling the story is
Share a fun fact or two about YOU!
I love to switch up my accent at work (it definitely gets the kids’ attention!) Everything from a Southern belle to an Aussie cowgirl to an imperious, posh princess.
And, an ancient castle used to be my playground!
Ask yourself a question that you wish I had asked you.
Q: “Which kid-friendly cartoon would I love to live in and why!”
A: There are so many, LOL! I’d love to gallop around Canterlot with the My Little Ponies, swim with the Bubble Guppies and get animal powers with the Wild Kratz!
What is on the horizon for you?
I’m revising several picture books this year, with goals to sub them out soon. I’m also finishing another chapter book which I’m so in love with!
Jennifer Buchet spends her days amongst the fey-folke, penning tales of adventure and magic within her ancient castle, surrounded by her wonderful family and friends. In other words, she has a great imagination!
Jennifer is actually a pre-kindergarten chaos coordinator (teacher), cookbook collector (foodie) and award-winning author of LITTLE MEDUSA’S HAIR DO-LEMMA (slithering success!). For over ten years, she's also been a feature contributor for Cricket Magazines. Jennifer loves engaging with the kidlit community, from teaching to critiquing, guest-speaking to creating contests (#SunWriteFun). She's an active member of SCBWI, 12x12 and the Writing Barn’s Courage to Create. Indeed, Jennifer does have a wonderful family and one day, she intends to have that castle!
You can chat with Jennifer via:
Post News: @Jbuchet
Twitter: @Yangmommy