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MOWMT: Last but Not Least with Erin Dealey

March 12, 2025

Note: Click on the Titles / Links to Buy the Books

LAST BUT NOT LEAST -- Picture Books with Nonfiction Back Matter

When I started writing picture books, I thought of nonfiction as my writer pals’ passion. (Shout-out to awesome NF authors Patricia Newman & Jeanne Walker Harvey) Not mine.

Then I discovered the perks of back matter.

Not only does back matter add an extra level to your submission, but the nonfiction component at the back of your book attracts a larger audience. (NF lovers will check for back matter first!)

Busy teachers and librarians appreciate back matter when they need lesson plans and STEM extensions to go with your book. And all of the above will help keep that book on their shelves for years. Win-win-win-win!

My own foray into nonfiction back matter actually began with K IS FOR KINDERGARTEN (Illus. Joseph Cowman / Sleeping Bear) which has sidebars of Kinder Countdown activities and Kinder

Challenges on each spread. The reader response was so positive, I decided to add sidebars to my manuscript, DEAR EARTH…From Your Friends in Room 5 (Illus. Luisa Uribe/ Harper Collins).

However, my editor thought they distracted from the story, which has ways to help the earth

year ‘round already included in the letters from Room 5. She asked me to use the sidebar info as back matter. This became my letter to all the Earth Heroes who find ways to help our


By the time I wrote CHRISTMAS AHOY! (Illus. Kayla Stark/ Sleeping Bear) and JUST FLOWERS (Illus. Kate Cosgrove / Sleeping Bear), I’d discovered the many creative back matter formats to choose from.

Check these out:

recently released from Eerdmans BFYR) is a delightful fictional story based on the inspirational lives of two real rescue dogs/conservation heroes. The back matter is full of fascinating mini-topics like What Makes a Dog’s Sense of Smell so Special? (Can you answer that question?)

MY GRANDPA, MY TREE, AND ME by Roxanne Troup (Illus. Kendra Binney / Yeehoo Press) is a heartwarming generational story set on Grandpa’s orchard and cleverly weaves in the life cycle of a pecan tree. The back matter, All About Pecans, “the only tree nut native to North America”, is perfect for teachers creating STEM extensions for their classroom.

MAMIE TAPE FIGHTS TO GO TO SCHOOL by Traci Huahn (Illus. Michelle Jing Chan / Crown BFYR), in an incredibly important picture book based on the (until now) little-known era in San Francisco history when Chinese children were not allowed to attend school. The back matter is in the form of An Epilogue to the Chinese Primary School and includes details from Traci Huahn’s extensive research. I also love that she shared Joseph and Mary Tape’s Brave Steps which are truly inspirational.

9 KILOMETERS by Claudio Aguilera and translated from Portuguese by Lawrence Schimel (Illus. Gabriela Lyon / Eerdmans BFYR) is a stunning story of a child who must walk over 5 ½ miles each day (one way!) to go to school in Chile, and a tribute to every child’s right – as well as their perseverance --to get an education. The back matter, Other Walkers Around the World has a thumbnail illustration and stories of children in other countries who travel long distances to school. As an added plus, there is information about all the birds depicted in the book, which can become a fun seek-and-find.

--credit : Illustration Kate Cosgrove

Similarly, my book JUST FLOWERS has a STEM seek-and-find of all the flowers in the book and their Latin names.

–credit: Illustration Kayla Stark

And readers of all ages love the boat facts and origin stories at the back of CHRISTMAS AHOY!

Full disclosure: This picture book author has learned so much and had tons of fun researching and creating back matter for my books. It’s not just an afterthought. Some kids might tell you you’ve saved the best for last…

My blogpost prize: I’m offering a 30-minute Zoom chat about anything writerly—for your class, your critique group, or YOU…and a signed copy of The HALF Birthday Book.My blogpost prize: I’m offering a 30-minute Zoom chat about anything writerly—for your class, your critique group, or YOU…and a signed copy of The HALF Birthday Book.My blogpost prize: A 30-minute class visit Zoom OR AMA session about anything writerly (critique groups or kidlit friends). Winner’s choice!

Bio: Erin Dealey is a playwright, blogger, and award-winning children’s author of 20+ picture

books & board books (so far), including the upcoming SQUIRREL DRAWS BIG FEELINGS (Illus. Luciana Navarro Powell / Beaming Books / 2026). Dealey's original career goal was Olympic Gold Medal tetherball player. When that didn't pan out, she became a teacher, theater director, actor, mom, and author--and welcomes any opportunity to visit schools around the world. She lives in northern California with her husband.

Web site: =

TwitterX  @Erin Dealey 

Instagram  @erindealey

Pinterest: ErinDealey

One Act Plays at

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5 commentaires

an hour ago

Thank you, Erin! I love backmatter and appreciated your examples! I follow RYS and Erin on X. vsubhat at hotmail Shuba Mohan


Berrie Torgan-Randall
Berrie Torgan-Randall
3 hours ago

Thanks for your article Erin! My first picture book, Just Ducky, includes pre reading and post reading questions. Cardinal Rule Press includes this in all of their books which are social/emotional themes. I ordered your book from my local library.


8 hours ago

Thanks for the tips on adding back matter in our picture books. I have some manuscripts that beg for back matter!


Roxanne Troup
Roxanne Troup
9 hours ago

Oh my gosh. Thank you for including MY GRANDPA, MY TREE, AND ME Erin!!


Karin Larson
Karin Larson
10 hours ago

Thank you for the terrific post and mentor text suggestions. I love JUST FLOWERS and own it. I, too, love backmatter, both as a writer and a reader. I follow Erin on Twitter and IG.

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